Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sleep over with mini me!

Thursday night Hal decided that she wanted to spend the night with us.  Our home is always welcome to our nieces and nephews.  We just love having them over. Hal is  the only one so far that will spend the night.  We are working on Landry, but I dont see this happening anytime soon. We went  for supper at El Patron then came home for bath time.  This was an experience in its self.  I personally cant want to have a little one running around, but it took me till ten thirty to get her fed bathed and tucked into bed. I am hoping that when I have a child routine will be KEY and the time will go faster. Callie had her baby teeth extracted Friday, so Hal took on the responsibilty to take care of her.  Poor Cal, she was so lifeless after being put to sleep.  Hallie was such a big help.  Me and Steven cant wait for her to come back and stay the
 night.  She is always cracking us up with her since of humor.  "I dont no who she gets it from"

1 comment:

  1. I love the bath picture!! She is ready to come back anytime...she keeps talking about all 3 of ya'll!!!
